Review: Cradle To Grave – Texas Medicine [2008]

Crushing Canadian crew Cradle to Grave cram a truckload of groove metal licks and unabashed aggression into their 11-track release TEXAS MEDICINE. There’s enough Pantera worship here to last a lifetime, but there’s more to this quartet than that, as this disc balances out the mix with shards of punk metal grit and thrash metal […]

Miscellaneous Rock Links: Chinese Democracy Reviews, Axl’s Top Moments, Birmingham Metal

1. The Chinese Democracy Quote of the Day comes from James Hetfield of Metallica: “I’ll certainly listen to it. But I haven’t lost sleep waiting for it.” 2. MTV lists their favorite Axl Rose moments with Chinese Democracy’s release just four days away. 3. Here is a mixed review of Chinese Democracy. […]

Review: Supagroup – Fire For Hire [2008]

Channeling the charisma of early AC/DC, Supagroup return with a whiskey-fueled bluesy boogie-rock barrage of tunes that unapologetically kick your ass on FIRE FOR HIRE. This 12-track tour-de-force of titanic rock ‘n roll is long on solos and short on fringes, making songs like “Long Live Rock” as concise as possible without feeling contrite. Hailing […]

Review: Polysics – We Ate The Machine [2008]

Yes, you read that right…Myspace Records. Japanese art punk rock troupe Polysics and their latest installment of Devo-inspired new wave WE ATE THE MACHINE is a weird but refreshing choice for such a mainstream outlet, but it works. Heavy beats, odd sounds, and tons of synth-rock give songs like “Kagayake” a Mr. Bungle-esque carnival feel, […]

Recap: That Metal Show Episode 1 [11-15-08]

That Metal Show starring hard rock guru Eddie Trunk, comedian Jim Florentine, and Inside The NFL’s Don Jamieson finally made its debut on VH1 Classic last night at 11 p.m. Iron Maiden’s current world tour was the first topic of discussion. Trunk and Florentine made the point that fans have been psyched with the setlist […]

Review: Vader – XXV [2008]

To commemorate their 25-year run as the premiere Polish death metal band, Vader has released XXV, a twin-disc set which finds the band re-recording a slew of their songs from their humble beginnings to their later works. Adorned with liner notes explaining each track straight from mainman Peter as well benefiting from the technological advances […]

Review: Headhunter – Parasite of Society [2008]

Headhunter, the side project of Destruction’s figurehead Schmier, returns after a 14-year absence with PARASITE OF SOCIETY. This 11-track album alternates between power metal, thrash metal, and even toys with the mainstream. offering a cover of Skid Row’s “18 & Life,” giving fans of vintage metal a kick in the ass. “Remission” features an ethreal […]

Review: Cccome? – Raccoon [2008]

I’ve got Cccome? in my ears! By Peter O’Brien Keeping up with their proclamation that “the voice of liberty shall not be mute,” “Harmonicore” quartet, Cccome? has followed up their 2007 self-titled release with an all-new auditory assault entitled Raccoon. The album was recorded at Big Orange Studio in Addison, VT back in April and […]