Review: Rob Zombie – Hellbilly Deluxe 2: Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls, and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool [2010]

Heavy metal icon Rob Zombie delivers his fourth solo effort, and first with Roadrunner Records, Hellbilly Deluxe 2: Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls, and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool. While having its ups and downs, the sequel to his 1998 masterpiece retains much of the ghoulish ambiance and spookshow aura that has catapulted him into a rock and roll legend. […]

Track Review: Rob Zombie "Sick Bubble Gum" Hellbilly Deluxe 2: Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls, and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool [2009]

Update: Hellbilly Deluxe 2 full album review The second Rob Zombie track leaked from Hellbilly Deluxe 2 is “Sick Bubble Gum,” a dizzying mutha flucking journey that surpasses “What?” in production, but lacks in comparable riff assaults and diabolical programming. John 5’s diligent lead guitars finish out the tune in a manner similar to “War […]

Upcoming Releases: Rammstein "Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da," Slayer "World Painted Blood," & Rob Zombie "Hellbilly Deluxe 2"

Rammstein – Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da [Oct. 20, 2009] Never fully got into these guys, don’t consider myself a fan, but you can’t dislike their one hit track “Du Hast.” Have they released anything as powerful since? Not so much. Pre-release verdict: Rammstein’s music is always amusing from an American’s perspective. There is something […]

Track Review: Rob Zombie "What?" Hellbilly Deluxe 2: Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls, and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool [2009]

Update: Hellbilly Deluxe 2 full album review Rob Zombie’s first single from Hellbilly Deluxe 2 is titled “What?” As in what is with the vocals hiding behind the obnoxiously fuzzy distortion effect? Perhaps, a simpleminded production effort to compliment the song’s title, or a genius attempt to regain the feel of the original Hellbilly Deluxe […]