Nza’s Review: Metallica Slayer Megadeth Anthrax: The Big 4 – Live From Sofia, Bulgaria [2010] DVD

Attention all metalheads: this means you—everyone, at one point or another had wished that the BIG FOUR would really happen.  I know it has been a discussion for years: would it happen? Could it happen? How would it happen? Well, kiddies, thats the past.  It happened and chances are you weren’t there. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, […]

Upcoming Releases: Rammstein "Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da," Slayer "World Painted Blood," & Rob Zombie "Hellbilly Deluxe 2"

Rammstein – Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da [Oct. 20, 2009] Never fully got into these guys, don’t consider myself a fan, but you can’t dislike their one hit track “Du Hast.” Have they released anything as powerful since? Not so much. Pre-release verdict: Rammstein’s music is always amusing from an American’s perspective. There is something […]

Dimebag Darrell Tribute At Ozzfest 2008

Above is the only decent video with good audio that I could find from the Dimebag tribute. It is “A New Level” with Max Cavalera [Soulfly], King Diamond, Scott Ian [Anthrax], and Kerry King [Slayer]. Many people are thrashing on King Diamond’s backing vocals, I embrace them. From what I have seen of this venue […]

Rock Show Countdown: #6 Pantera and Slayer

Pantera and Slayer at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY, June 21, 2001 First of all the, this show’s lineup was just insane and does not require any explanation of its awesomeness. Pantera and Slayer on the same night…Can life get any better? This was also the final time I got to see the legendary, Dimebag Darrell […]