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Review: Midnight to Twelve – XII [2008]

Midnight to Twelve is a hard rock quintet armed with a streamlined sound which placed them on the melodrama One Tree Hill. The group’s 12-track offering is a mixed bag of tricks switching between gnashing hard rock (“Burnin,” “Contain It”) and sappy Nickelback-esque wallowing (“Slam”). Finding a middle ground between the guitar rock of Saliva, […]

Review: Bruce Springsteen "My Lucky Day" [2008]

Bruce Springsteen released a second single online from the upcoming record Working on a Dream. Below is an overview of the new song titled “My Lucky Day.” Good news, Boss fans—this track is a classic E Street rocker compared to the recently released “Working on a Dream.” “My Lucky Day” opens with hard hitting drums, […]

Review: Eddy Dyer – …Into Doves of Grey [2008]

A subdued and melancholic aura envelopes the 14-tracks contained on Eddy Dyer’s latest offering …INTO DOVES OF GREY. Consisting of mainly acoustic guitar and voice with some mandolin peeking through at times, this 14-track endeavor showcases traces of psychedelica on “Nthru Nbeon,” issues with spirituality on cuts like the not so subtle “Jesus Christ,” the […]

Review: Ekser – Patterns of Reprisal [2007]

Arizona extreme metal quartet Ekser demonstrate their firm handle of technical death metal intricacies on the 10-track PATTERNS OF REPRISAL. This offering combines blinding percussive work and breakneck rhythms with clinical guitarwork on tracks like “Sinners Reflection” and “Cold Blooded Embrace,” much like the wares of bands like The Black Dahlia Murder and Arsis. Despite […]

Review: Dropclutch – The Reason [2008]

Upstate NY quintet Dropclutch have incorporated the best moments from modern rock radio into their 10-track jaunt THE REASON. Heavy downtuned guitars, thunderous basslines, and tasty drum work fills out this unit’s Staind meets Godsmack by way of Seether approach on tracks like “Understand” and “Hollow,” while cuts like “Make Your Move” and “Over & […]