SOS Metal Reviews: Baroness "Blue Record," Skeletonwitch "Breathing The Fire," Manegarm, and more…

BARONESS: BLUE RECORD Baroness follows up their stunning previous effort THE RED ALBUM with another colorfully titled endeavor BLUE RECORD. Despite taking discernible steps away from their comfort zone this time around, most notably by choosing burgeoning producer John Congleton known more for indie rock savvy than sludge metal salvation, this unit’s unbridled spirit and […]

SOS Metal Reviews: Nile “Those Whom The Gods Detest”; Scar Symmetry, Slayer, and more…

NILE: THOSE WHOM THE GODS DETEST Those Whom The Gods Detest is the sixth studio endeavor from South Carolina’s technical death metal mavens Nile. Blisteringly brutal as previous works while maintaining the band’s trademarked Middle Eastern influence both lyrically and musically, Nile’s flurries of dastardly twin guitars and consistently jaw-dropping percussion work remain the envy […]