Review: The Psyke Project – APNEA [2008]

Menacing Danish quintet The Psyke Project deconstruct the notions of modern hardcore into shards of blissful post-metal meltdown on APNEA, this unit’s latest 10-track affair. With influences spanning Converge to Neurosis to Gojira to Refused all rearing their heads at some point across this disc, all bases are covered as this group throws down the […]

Review: Sever Your Ties – Safety In The Sea [2008]

Christian rock clan Sever Your Ties incorporates the sound you’d expect from a band hailing from Southern California that calls itself  hardcore yet prominently uses keyboards would on their 11-track debut SAFETY IN THE SEA. Injected with a smattering of Thrice and Senses Fail (especially in the vocal department), this sextet’s chops are undeniably solid […]

Review: Chingalera – Dose [2008]

Los Angeles trio Chingalera’s latest disc suggests this unit definitely spent a lot of time with their Melvins and Tool discs with a smattering of Queens of the Stone Age and Fantomas on the side prior to stepping into Sylvia Massy’s lair. The sprawling five-track, near hour long exhibition DOSE is the end result of […]

Review: Ascend – Ample Fire Within [2008]

Drone and doom collide with a refreshingly regal tone reverberating throughout on the latest offering from the titanic tandem Ascend. Featuring no strangers to things that creep in the night (Greg Anderson and Gentry Densely), AMPLE FIRE WITHIN is a six-track love affair with the slow and deliberate, meshing knee-buckling tempos, hefty guitars and left […]

Review: Ligeia – Bad News [2008]

Beyond the ham-fisted breakdown fest audible from Bad News, there lies a rock ‘n roll record bursting at the seams exuding the same spirit of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll danger Guns ‘N Roses mustered back in their Sunset Strip era. Massachusetts road dogs Ligeia set the excesses of the rock star vocation to […]

Review: Transistor Transistor – Ruined Lives [2008]

New Hampshire quartet Transistor Transistor return with a stirring one-two punch of angular hardcore and menacing punk rock with Ruined Lives. Armed with jagged riffs, malicious yowls, and debilitating rhythms that give bands like The Bronx and Every Time I Die a run for their money, this unit’s motive to emote their innermost sensitivities never […]

Review: Raw Radar War – = = [2008]

Featuring a very-different sounding Jonah Jenkins (Only Living Witness, Millgram) at the microphone, the abrasive quintet Raw Radar War must have traveled through their record collections and stopped at the early ’90s for inspiration when comprising the crushingly heavy underground sounds audible on their curiously titled 15-track = = [Double Equals]. Piecing remnants of Bolt […]